H is for honesty
“H” is for Honesty and Integrity
Let’s talk about two kinds of honesty here. I’d like to think that everyone operates with the mindset and commitment to be truthful and honest. In my personal experience I have found that not all, but most, folks operate with this important personal and corporate core value and characteristic. Each of the Senior Management Team members at KEEN is very tenured in the industry and has demonstrated honesty over a long period of time so I know it to be true making them kind of person I can count on to be Honest not only to me but to others.
A second or different kind of honesty is ignored too often inside some organizations, between businesses and even between friends. This kind of honesty is when someone may not have done what they said they would do by today, requiring me in full honesty to discuss the matter rather than as many people do just let it slide. Our culture at KEEN requires we be honest (beyond the don’t steal kind of honesty) but when it means saying the hard things to people.
I hope you exhibit and experience both kinds of honesty in all situations.
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