U is for Utility Management
The A-Z of Property Management
U is for…
U is for Utility Management to Reduce Electricity & Water Expenses. A Few questions you or your professional property manager should be able to answer.
- What is the difference between an open market and a monopoly market?
- When did you last audit your power bill?
- What is the difference between power charge and TDSP?
- What is a “full swing” contract?
- What do shoulder months mean?
- Why is a 9-month contract w/ 2 shoulders & 1 winter always cheaper than a 12-month contract
- Why is a cheaper 9-month contract not actually cheaper?
- Open markets provide competition in pricing, monopolies do not.
- You should conduct a 25-point audit of your power bill every month
- Power is negotiable portion, TDSP Transportation/Distribution Service Provider (Poles & Wires)
- Full swing pricing allows more or less power use than used in the past w/out financial penalty.
- Fall and Spring when power loads are lower, and rates are cheaper
- It excludes Houston summer, the most expensive time of the year to buy power.
- Since you need power year-round, a 9-month contract excluding summer looks cheaper but actually costs more in the long run
It’s not glamorous but keeping the lights on and water running is an important part of managing a commercial property. More than just keeping them on is understanding the nuances. Having a professional property management firm helping you with your investment real estate who understands Utility Management will save you money.
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