R is for Repair
The A-Z of Property Management
R is for…
R is for Repair/Maintenance: HVAC, Lights, Filters, & Cold Calls, Painting
How many buildings do I see that are pushing “deferred” maintenance to new extremes! Typically instigated by sheer negligence or incompetence this results in both immediate smaller problems that are huge red flags. If I see this obvious sign of neglect, I think how many bigger things are being neglected that I don’t see which could be much worse.
Shoddy repair and maintenance is a huge turnoff for me that screams massive repair bills are hiding just around the corner. This is never a good policy.
There was an automotive oil filter commercial where a mechanic made a line famous saying, You can pay now (for an inexpensive oil filter) or pay me later (for an expensive new engine that had neglected regular maintenance).
Air Conditioning chillers, elevators and other large capital expense equipment and systems need regular inspection, and scheduled Preventative Maintenance programs to remain in good working order. This requires a staff who is aware of the necessary steps and the discipline to execute the PM program to avoid catastrophic failures.
I read a book by a former Disney Manger who later taught Executives a better way of doing things. The class was taught in the Magic Kingdom where he asked the students to describe the small green metal pole with the horse head atop lining Main Street outside the American Café. Then asked hopw often do you think they paint that to keep it looking good? Answers varied widely then he surprised everyone saying Disney repainted it every 24 hours! Going on to explain, that a family who saved money for years to be able to come to their Park in Orlando , what a shame it would be if they were to be here the one day before it was repainted and had a less than excellent experience. The point Raise your level of expectations. Do the right thing. Keep your property well maintained, you never get a second opportunity to make a first impression.
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